I've survived 5 days alone with the boys, and I think it's gone rather well. Only two more days to go! Here's what I managed to get done this week -
- got everyone (me included) dressed, fed, and out the door in time to be early for school;
- have kept dishes washed;
- put out the trash and brought the bins back in before the next day;
- gave the dog a desperately needed bath;
- went without TV for three days;
- got my car serviced;
- got groceries bought - Safeway and Trader Joe's;
- got everyone, including me, bathed every day;
- cut back on coffee (ummm, until this morning);
- attacked my much backlogged email;
- kept the house relatively picked up (that's a damn miracle itself);
- started a new bedtime routine that got Quake asleep without me in bed with him.
And just for a counterpoint, here's what I haven't gotten done this week -
- watching the Oscars (damn it!);
- cooking anything beyond eggs and grilled cheese (oh, we did make a chocolate cake);
- exercise.