Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Final Countdown

The Endurance Test is now being measured in hours instead of days! I got a call from Monkey Man last night just after 9; he was at the airport and turning in his rented phone (his doesn't work in Japan). I expect him to be pulling into the garage within the next 10 hours!

Last week went pretty well, but we just survived this week. Quake threw tantrums left and right, and I was just desperate to get some sleep and a few moments away from him. Have you ever spent 13 days with another human being 24/7? And of course if I'd been with another adult I could have stolen some moments for myself by going grocery shopping or taking an extra long time in the bathroom, but that's not an option with a preschooler. I locked the bathroom door yesterday, and you would have thought he was being beaten by the sound of him screaming when he couldn't get in. Not exactly the quiet moment alone that I was hoping for.

On the subject of my other child - I have started to swell up like a ballpark frank. My toes and feet look like little sausages, and I swear I'm developing cankles. I never retained water with my first pregnancy so I'm unprepared. And it brings on a strange dilemma. I want to kick back and keep my feet up in a desperate attempt to retain some shape to my legs. I also want to stay as forward as possible, even hanging out on my hands and knees periodically, to encourage the baby to be in the correct birthing position (Q's posterier position contributed to some of my problems laboring). Maybe I'll just concentrate on eating massive amounts of watermelon (it's supposed to be a diruetic)...

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